’Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Mo…’


Do you have a big choices to make? Things like colleges, dating relationships, careers, what to do at home during this pandemic. OK, maybe that last one doesn’t seem so ‘big’, but it’s still a choice that we all have in common. So when it comes to decisions in our lives, both big and small, how do we know what God wants us to do?

GREAT QUESTION! It’s too easy to move through our days and make quick decisions without thinking about what God wants. But now that we’re following Christ, we need His guidance and direction. The more we follow God’s lead, the more like Him we become.

Jesus wants us to consider His opinion too. He is the Son of God after all – and that should count for something! In fact, it should be the most important thing for us to consider in the choices we make.

There are many different ways He shows us what He wants. The Bible is the ultimate guideline, presenting solid standards and principles to live by. We also are led by the Holy Spirit privately speaking to us, and sometimes speaking through others using spiritual gifts. God helps leaders to guide us as well, and these would include Pastors, Teachers, Parents, Coaches, and even Bosses. True friends can also help us figure out God’s plan as we analyze our circumstances together as a team.

Each of these options are part of major decisions in our lives. But the key is consistently seeking after God. The process of figuring out God’s will can be as important to us as the actual choices we make. That’s one of the reasons He wants us to work at discovering His will – it keeps us connected to Him. When we are following Him, we can be confident He’ll lead us the right way.



God, thank you for the people you put in my life that are guiding me. Every decision I have to make I want to put you first. Thank you for never leaving me alone.

Journal Book Questions:

1. What did God say to you?

2. What did you say to God?

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