Walk in the Spirit


The Holy Spirit is a person, part of the Trinity, not an indistinct power or thing. What you say matters. Try to refer to Him as Holy Spirit instead of “the” Holy Spirit sometime. It will help you personalize Him which in turn, helps us remember that He is with us and not distant.

Awareness is a huge deal. It sounds simple because it is. We all know how easy it is to get busy or distracted and before you know it an entire day had gone by and we haven’t thought about God, much less been aware of His presence with us. So, put up some reminders notes in your room or in your phone to remind you that even when you’re busy, Holy Spirit is right there with you. Walking in the Spirit is more about walking in freedom  from sin and fear than trying to get by walking in out own strength. It’s about walking in sonship rather than shame.

Seek the Baptism of the Spirit. Paul’s teachings clearly state that there are spiritual gifts and that they are to edify the church and be a witness to unbelievers. Once you received it, Ephesians tells us to “be filled.” To “walk in” something means it has become a part of our daily life. This will take time, practice and internality.

What do you have to loose? Its not about getting your act together so you can walk in the Spirit. It’s about getting the Spirit in your life so you can get your act together. That’s what the fruit of the Spirit is! The fruit follows the seed, it doesn’t come first!


Galatians 5:16-25

Romans 8:11-17

Ephesians 5:18


Lord, thank you for sending and giving us the Holy Spirit. Teach me to be aware of my time and seek you more everyday.

Journal Book Questions:

1. What did God say to you?

2. What did you say to God?

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