Life beyond Pandemic


This week during your stay at home, as you reflect on the gatherings we had together in the church building, and as you say goodbye to your friends in small group, you’re on your way home to get ready to go to sleep. Maybe you are reading this and you’re wishing you were back in the church with your friends. Small groups is such a powerful way to grow in relationship with others and grow closer to God and His word. But now you have to stay at home and do the online phone calls.

So “Why Can’t I feel God at home Like I do at the church building? This is the question that comes to your front of your mind when are trying to walk out your faith and you feel like your prayers aren’t going past the ceiling? The truth is you can be just as close to God at home as you were in the church building.

Feeling God in your life goes beyond nice worship songs and powerful preaching. It happens in every moments, but we have to be intentionally looking for it and ready to respond. So how do you….

1. Remove Distractions:

One of the most impactful ways to grow closer in your relationship with God is to remove daily  distractions. At church there are many distractions that are removes and it allows you to hear more clearly. If you days are filled with Tiktok videos, Netflix, social media or other activities, it often leaves little time to hear God like you did at church. Want perfect peace? Keep your mind set on Jesus.

2. Get Closer to God

Never allow thing to create space between you and your relationship with God. It could be sin , hardships, but whatever it may be, choose to be close to God even when it feels difficult. When we let space between us and God, we are calling other things to fill spaces where GOD should be. Remember this is not religion , but about having a real relationship with God.

3. Be Consistent

During your prayers and this devotional stay consistent with God. When you are discipline in these area you will be amazed how God will speak to you throughout your days. Just like any other relationship. When you spend time with God, you will know His hearts towards you. So be consistent in seeking Jesus and he will continue to show that He is for you not against you, and you will find that He is your friend who sticks closer than a brother..


Isaiah 26:3

James 4:8

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18


God, thank you for being with me during this time of difficulties around the world. Help me to remove distractions, get closer to God, and be consistent in my relationship with you.

Journal Book Questions:

1. What did God say to you?

2. What did you say to God?

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