I remember when I got my first car. I was so excited…the freedom I felt in being able to drive and go places without my mom. My car became my space and on a daily basis, I would drive with the radio LOUD. One thing I found interesting in my many years of driving is this: that when I am trying to look for something while driving, whether it would be a store or parking spot, I would turn the radio down. Interesting right? Turning down the radio didn’t make the location magically speak to me. What it did was increase my focus on what I wanted to accomplish.

After small groups and church gatherings, I found myself many times feeling like God couldn’t hear me or that He was far away. This usually happened when school started back up. I want you to know that God is still there and He still hears you and, believe it or not, He is speaking to you.

“Then why don’t I feel like I hear Him?”

In Psalms 23, we see two different moments in the passage that answer that question. The first is the green pastures and still waters. This is the place where you are sitting with Jesus. He seems to be involved in every aspect of your life. The second place is the valley of the shadow of death. And David, the author of this piece of scripture, states that in the middle of the darkest of times, the Lord was still with him.

When things seem dark, know Jesus is still with you. However, in order to hear Him speak to you, you must turn down the radio. Quiet the noise. It doesn’t mean that the things in your life are bad, but that you need to connect to the source. Once you quiet the noise, it is easier to hear the voice of the One that is with you always, even to the ends of the earth and in the darkest of places. You are not alone.


Psalms 23

Prayer: Lord, thank you for being with me through my good moments and the bad my moments. I know you will never leave me and I also pray that the lives of youth around the world will seek you during this time we are at home. I pray my generation stay firm in our faith and encourage each other to stay strong in our relationship with you. Amen

Journal Book Questions:

  1. What did God say to you?

  1. What did you say to God?
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