The question isn’t “Is God talking?” The question is “Are we listening?” How does God speak? Through His Word! Genesis chapter 1 states seventeen times that God is speaking. It’s His character and nature to speak to His people. He wants to walk with you just like He walked with Adam and Eve.

Small groups and church gatherings are a great time to “run AFTER God” but what He really wants is for you to walk WITH Him. Is He walking with you? The Bible is a conversation between God and His people. One of the fallacies that Christian teenagers believe in is the Bible is supposed to answer all your questions. The Bible isn’t going to tell you where to go to college, who to marry, or what shirt to wear to church tomorrow. It’s not meant to answer every single one of your questions. But the Bible is a timeless text that shows us who God is and what He does.

When we read the Word and understand the character of God and how He operates, we begin to know what God is saying to us. You begin to tell if what you are hearing is God, you, or the Devil.

I remember when Annalise could not walk …she loved to walk ahead or behind me never beside me and it put such a strain on my back and it’s frustrating. I believe we quiet the voice of God in our lives because we don’t want to just walk with God in the “now”, but we want to get ahead of Him and find out what He is saying for our future or get stuck in the past of what He said yesterday. He has new mercies for us today if we just stay in pace with Him and spend time in His presence.


Prayer: God, show me that you’re here. Help me to trust that you are listening, and find comfort in the words of other believers, in the Bible, in strengthening my faith. I know you are a merciful God. Please remind me of this, and remind me that you’ll never leave me when I feel myself doubt. Amen.

Journal Book Questions:

1. What did God say to you?

2. What did you say to God?

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