Día 21 – Haz tu voluntad Una de las cosas con las que más batallamos es con él hacer la voluntad de Dios; porque muchas personas aun piensan que Dios…

MESSAGE If you’ve ever felt lonely, then you’re in good company. In fact, even Jesus cried out while dying on the cross, “My God, My God, why have you forsaken…

Día 20 – Derribando Fortalezas Dios nos ha dado su poder y autoridad por medio del Espíritu Santo con el fin de que no vivamos intimidados con las circunstancias de…

MESSAGE Hopefully, while at church, you made some great friendships. You swapped contacts and @gram so you can continue that friendship. However, there are some that question, “Do I really…

  Do I really need Christian friends? Content Hopefully, while at church, you made some great friendships. You swapped contacts and @gram so you can continue that friendship. However, there…

  Día 19 – El consejo de Dios Una de las cosas que todo cristiano debiera apasionarse es por deleitarse con el consejo de la Palabra de Dios. La Biblia…

MESSAGE We live in a culture that has made it easy to live without a definite identity or exist with multiple identities. Maybe you are like other students that have…

Introduce yourself! Content We live in a culture that has made it easy to live without a definite identity or exist with multiple identities. Maybe you are like other students…

Día 18 – Confiados en Dios Desde que somos niños nos enseñan a ser desconfiados y esto nuestros padres nos lo sembraron para protegernos. Nos enseñaron a no confiar en…

MESSAGE Peter was a fisherman and worked in the family business. He grew up fishing and learning how to make it big in business. Then, Jesus came along and gave…

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